Trade News

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Oct 15, 2020

Countervailing duties imposed on imports of wind towers

Secretariat of Economy On October 5th, 2020, the Secretariat of Economy (SE) published in the Official Gazette of… Read more 

Oct 15, 2020

Tariff preferences applicable to heavy vehicles of the Economic Complementation Agreement No. 55 (ACE55)

Federal Official Gazette On October 7th, the Secretariat of Economy (SE) published on the Federal Official Gazette (DOF)… Read more 

Oct 15, 2020

Update to Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations due to CITES changes

Published in Canada Gazette Part II, the Wild Animal and Plant Trade Regulations amendments to the regulations is… Read more 

Oct 15, 2020

Expiry of the CBSA Interim Turnaround Policy and Mandatory Sub-Location Code for WACM

The Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) Interim Turnaround Policy for Highway Carriers as noted in Customs Notice 17-19,… Read more 

Oct 14, 2020

Time limits extended under SIMA due to COVID-19

The Government of Canada is extending the time limits of certain SIMA proceedings under the Order Respecting Time… Read more 

Oct 13, 2020

New Section 301 Investigation on Vietnamese Timber and Currency

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) initiated a Section 301 investigation regarding Vietnam’s acts, policies, and practices relating to… Read more 

Oct 13, 2020

USTR Extends China Section 301 Exclusions Expiring October 2, 2020

The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) extended some List 1 and List 2 exclusions from Section 301 additional duties… Read more 

Oct 8, 2020

Tariff Rate Quotas 2021 Applications and Notices on Agricultural goods.

Global Affairs Canada has issued notices on the calendar year 2021 Tariff Rate Quotas and application process to… Read more 

Oct 8, 2020

Government of Canada initiates expiry review of refined sugar SIMA case

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) advised on October 2, 2020, of the initiation of an expiry review… Read more 

Oct 7, 2020

Health Canada Pilot Project Electronic Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product (CPP) and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Certificates

Health Canada (HC) recognizes the significant impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the global pharmaceutical product supply… Read more