Increase in Fiscal Year 2017 TRQ for Raw Cane Sugar

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) announced of an increase in the fiscal year (FY) 2017 raw cane sugar tariff rate quota (TRQ) of 244,690 metric ton raw value (MTRV) to ensure an adequate supply of raw sugar in the U.S. market. With this increase, the overall FY 2017 raw sugar TRQ is now 1,361,881 MTRV. Raw cane sugar under this TRQ must be accompanied by a certificate for quota eligibility (CQE).

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) allocated this increase among supplying countries and customs areas. These allocations are based on the countries’ historical shipments to the United States.

Both the USDA and the USTR advised that all sugar entering the United States under the FY 2017 raw sugar TRQ will be permitted to enter U.S. Customs territory through October 31, 2017, a month later than the usual last entry date.

If you have any questions regarding the increase in the 2017 fiscal year tariff rate quota for raw sugar, Livingston can help! Please contact either your Livingston account manager or our U.S. Regulatory Affairs Group at [email protected].