COVID-19: Frequently Asked Questions


Does Livingston have a plan in place to deal with the growing spread of COVID-19?

Yes. Livingston is monitoring the situation on a daily basis and has put measures in place to ensure the health and safety of all associates and the continuity of business operations. We are committed to keeping you informed about the status of our operations and encourage you to check our website regularly for updates. 

Will any of my shipments be delayed due to operational disruptions at Livingston in response to COVID-19?

We do not anticipate any disruptions to our operations, at this time. We understand the critical role we play for businesses that rely on us, and we are using our extensive technological infrastructure to ensure that associates are able to carry out their work either on site or off site as required, and reduce the likelihood of disruption. However, it is important to note that changing circumstances and government policies and restrictions have the potential to cause temporary disruptions. As such, we are committed to keeping you informed about the status of our operations and encourage you to check our website regularly for updates.

What percentage of your operations is able to work from home?

At this time, we are able to equip more than 90% of our associates with the ability to carry out their responsibilities from home.

Will your network security be compromised as a result of associates working from home in large numbers?

Network security is not compromised due to increased remote access. Our network firewalls remain in place even when associates work from home.



Have you placed any restrictions on your associates’ personal travel?

No restrictions have been placed on personal travel; however, all travellers must self-isolate for a period of 14 days upon their return in accordance with current government health guidelines.

Do you intend to close any of your offices in response to the spread of the virus?

We have contingency plans in place that involve numerous measures, including the closure of offices, the reconfiguration of office spaces and the isolation of associates in response to COVID-19. Our contingency plans are designed to limit the degree to which operations are disrupted. In the event we need to physically close an office, we have contingencies in place to allow associates to work from home and we will do our utmost to remain as close to fully operational as possible. We will keep you informed about the status of our operations and encourage you to check our website regularly for updates at /covid-19.



I heard the U.S.-Canada border has been closed. How will this impact the passage of commercial cargo across the border?

At this time, there is no impact on commercial cargo. All trade activity will continue across the border.

Will there be delays in clearing cargo at the U.S.-Canada border due to the COVID-19 outbreak?

At this time, it is status quo at all border crossings. We remain committed to keeping you up to date regarding the status of the U.S.-Canada border and encourage you to visit our website at /covid-19 where we will post information about the closure of any significant border crossings and/or port terminals. As per normal procedures, we are also committed to advising you of any significant delays in the processing and/or clearance of cargo at border crossings. Additionally, you may visit the respective websites of customs agencies for real-time status updates on border wait times:

If I send cargo across the U.S.-Canada border, will the truck and driver be permitted to return?

Yes. At this time, commercial traffic will continue to move in both directions. However, the Government of Canada has asked all workers with cross-border functions to closely self-monitor and to self-isolate for 14 days should they experience any symptoms of illness.

Can I travel across the border for business?

Both countries have restricted any non-essential travel across the border. We encourage you to contact consular officials or visit the website of your destination country to determine whether or not the nature of your travel is classified as “essential.”

Am I still able to transport cargo by air freight between the U.S. and Canada?

Yes; however, please note that recent reduction in commercial aircraft flights has resulted in limitations in air cargo capacity. We encourage you to contact our International Freight & Transportation Services group to learn more about your options.



How will the U.S. ban on travellers from Europe impact the transport and/or clearance of my goods?

The ban is restricted to individuals, and does not apply to cargo. At this time, there is no anticipated stoppage or delay in the transport of ocean freight from Europe to the United States. Cargo arriving to the U.S. from Europe will be cleared as per normal procedure.

Am I able to ship cargo from Europe to the U.S. via air freight?

Yes, you may ship cargo from Europe to the U.S. via air freight; however, please note that due to the travel restrictions placed on people coming from Europe, there are fewer passenger aircraft making the journey to the U.S. from Europe. These passenger aircraft represent the majority of air-cargo capacity, which will impact the availability of air-cargo shipments. You can speak with our freight group, which can help you coordinate air freight from Europe. 



What do I need to do to ensure that when my cargo from China arrives in the U.S. or Canada,  that it will be cleared expediently?

At this time, there are no additional processes or procedures for the clearance of goods arriving from China. All cargo ships are being accepted; however, crew members are to remain on board. If your cargo is delayed in its arrival to the U.S. or Canada it could be because of port congestion in China, or the inaccessibility of inland freight options to get your cargo to your port. We encourage you to work with your freight provider to identify the status of your shipment.

Will my cargo from China be subject to screenings for contamination?

There are not currently any regulatory or procedural changes for the clearance of cargo arriving from China.

Will my cargo from China still be subject to tariffs?

Yes, all tariffs imposed on China-origin goods via Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 remain in place and customs duties will be applied.


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