Trade News

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Dec 12, 2019

Government of Canada initiates expiry review concerning concrete reinforcing bar

December 12, 2019 – The Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) announced on December 9, 2019, the initiation of… Read more 

Dec 11, 2019

China Section 301 Additional Duties for List 4B Expected on December 15, 2019

December 13, 2019 – Pending any postponements, additional Section 301 duties of 15 percent on Chinese origin products… Read more 

Dec 11, 2019

France’s Digital Service Tax May Result in 100 Percent Section 301 Duties

December 11, 2019 – The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) announced they are proposing up to 100 percent additional… Read more 

Dec 9, 2019

CBSA Trusted Traders Partners in Protection (PIP) and Mutual Recognition Arrangements (MRA)

December 9, 2019 – The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) recently announced the signing of two Mutual Recognition… Read more 

Dec 3, 2019

CBSA Re-investigation of normal values on Dry Wheat Pasta

December 3, 2019 – The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced on November 27, 2019, the initiation of… Read more 

Nov 28, 2019

Canadian Automated Export Declaration (CAED) Program 2020 Software Release and New Canadian Export Reporting System (CERS)

November 28, 2019 – Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) issued Customs Notice CN19-22 on November 25, 2019 to… Read more 

Nov 28, 2019

Consultations on Steel Safeguard Tariff Rate Quotas (TRQs) Allocation Process

November 28, 2019 – Global Affairs Canada (GAC) is conducting public consultations regarding the allocation process of the… Read more 

Nov 27, 2019

USTR Approves 32 Additional China Section 301 List 3 Exclusions

November 27, 2019 – The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) granted a fifth round of exclusions from Section 301… Read more 

Nov 26, 2019

CN Rail and Teamsters reach tentative agreement

November 26, 2019 – The Canadian National Railway Company (CN Rail) and the Teamsters Canada Rail Conference (TCRC)… Read more 

Nov 25, 2019

Increased inspections of tomato and pepper seed, plant, and fruit imports

 November 25, 2019 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS), Veterinary… Read more