Terrestrial Animal Products and By-Products Import Policy Updated

The CFIA Animal Import/Export Division regulates the importation of animal products and by-products under the authority of the relevant legislation.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) advises that starting on December 16th 2020, the following chapters of the Terrestrial animal products and by-products: Import policy framework will be implemented and become active and the documentation required to allow import must be issued prior to the arrival at the border inspection port to be eligible to enter Canada, and be presented to CBSA and/or the CFIA for inspection.

8. General import requirements:  Zoosanitary certificate, import permit and Importer’s declaration, CITES permit,  in-transit shipments and transshipment requirements.

10.2 Integumentary tissues and animal-origin display items
Leather goods, fur products, wool products, feathers etc.

10.3 Contaminated things
Any items or “things” contaminated by animal manure, urine, blood, or other bodily secretions, earth, dirt and related matter, clay, silt, sand, soil minerals, humus, compost, earthworm castings, muck, plant litter and debris, either individually or in combination.

10.9 Pet chews
Animal-origin washed, heat-treated and dried single- or multi-ingredient pet chews.

15.2 Annex 2: Acceptable treatments for feathers

15.4 Annex 4: Bacterial culture testing requirements for pet chews The implementation of these chapters will not have an impact on existing import conditions or international trade.

Questions or comments about the policy may be sent to the Animal Products and Animal By-products Import/Export section at [email protected]