Tariff Rate Quotas 2021 Applications and Notices on Agricultural goods.

Global Affairs Canada has issued notices on the calendar year 2021 Tariff Rate Quotas and application process to the following and the opening of beef and veal tariff rate quota applications for 2021.

Beef and Veal TRQ application process for 2021

Please note the application process for a share of the tariff rate quota for beef and veal for 2020 is now open.

Notice to Importers – Beef and Veal Imports (Items 114 to 116 on the Import Control List), Serial No: 883 can be found here.

Please note that the deadline to submit an application is November 15, 2020.

Questions and completed application form should be sent to [email protected]

Impact of COVID-19 on the Origin Quota application process
Given that access to certain Government of Canada facilities has been severely restricted, all applications are to be submitted electronically. The Department is unable to receive applications submitted via facsimile or by mail.

New Notices to Importers for 2021 Calendar Year TRQs

Global Affairs Canada has prepared new Notices to Importers for the 2021 calendar year TRQs with an application period starting on October 1, 2020 and a deadline of November 15, 2020. These Notices can be found on the Supply-Managed TRQs website.

The Notices reflect previous efforts to simplify and centralize information and should be read in conjunction with the General Information on the Administration of TRQs for Supply-Managed Products and the Key Dates & Access Quantities 2020-2021: TRQs for Supply-Managed Products. Also note that corresponding revisions have been made to the respective application forms.

Changes to the TRQ application process resulting from COVID-19
Recognizing the continued impacts COVID-19 is having on stakeholders’ ability to conduct normal operations, Global Affairs Canada will be implementing changes for the 2021 calendar year TRQ application process.

On an exceptional basis, the requirement to provide an accountant’s letter for the upcoming TRQ applications is waived. 

Moreover, given that access to certain Government of Canada facilities has been severely restricted due to COVID-19 measures, all TRQ applications are to be submitted electronically. The email address to which you must submit your application is included in the application form for each respective TRQ.

New contact information related to dairy TRQs
Please be advised that the contact information related to certain dairy TRQs has changed, effective immediately. For any enquiries or to submit applications, please use the new commodity specific email addresses listed on the Application Forms and our Contact Us page.

Changes to how GAC will Inform Industry on TRQ Quantities Available
Effective August 1, 2020, any tariff rate quota (TRQ) quantities available will be found in Key Dates and Access Quantities 2020-2021: TRQs for Supply-Managed Products. This document will be updated regularly to reflect changes in the quantities available under each respective TRQ.

This is being done to simplify the process so that any available quantities, including for reallocation, can be found in a single industry reference document. Please note that Global Affairs Canada will no longer send separate emails or Messages to Industry when quantities become available and it is the responsibility of stakeholders to check this document regularly. 

How to apply for a share of available quantities:

  • Consult the Notices to Importers to determine the applicable policy and allocation method.
  • In certain circumstances, we may allocate quantities through the first-come, first-served method.
  • Contact us to apply for a share of quantities available.
  • Applicants who are approved for an available quantity will receive a confirmation by email.

Any questions may be addressed to the appropriate commodity-specific mailbox listed on our Contact us page.