Tariff Rate Quota filled on Food Preparations containing Certain Dry Weight Milk Solids

Global Affairs Canada issued a notice to inform importers that the 2018 tariff rate quota (TRQ) for food preparations containing more than 10 per cent but less than 50 per cent on a dry weight basis of milk solids, not in retail packaging, classified under Customs Tariff heading 1901.90.33, has been filled as of March 7, 2018.

As the TRQ level has been filled, the tariff rate quota is now closed for the 2018 quota year and specific import permits under the tariff rate quota will not be issued in respect to the relevant goods until January 1, 2019.

General Import Permit No. 100 – Eligible Agricultural Goods (GIP No. 100) will cover, for the balance of the 2018 quota year, unlimited imports classified under the “over access commitment” tariff item number at the “over access” tariff duty rate of 250% but not less than $2.91/kg.

This food preparation is listed on Import Control List (I.C.L. Item No.128) under B-20 Handbook of Export and Import Commodity codes and described as: Food preparations, not in retail packaging, containing greater than 10% less than 50% on a dry weight of milk solids under code 1901-90-33-00-0000.

If you have any questions, please contact Global Affairs Canada at 343-203-6820 or e-mail: [email protected].