As an importer or an exporter, you know that getting your documents quickly and accurately to the border for customs clearance is essential to your business. Unfortunately, paper documents and faxes are often illegible, misrouted, or lost. Shipment delays usually ensue.
e-Link allows you or your suppliers to electronically transmit export information to Livingston in almost any data format. Reduce clearance delays. Improve compliance. Save time.
Transmit information electronically to Livingston quickly and accurately
Our e-Link system can accept your suppliers’ export data in almost any electronic file format, use it to create the Canada Customs Invoice or U.S. Commercial Invoice and submit it to Customs for electronic release.
Our experts will work with your suppliers to review their documents, guide them through the setup process, and ensure our systems are ready to receive your suppliers’ documents in their current format.
As an e-Link subscriber, you will be able to set up filters and compliance checks to help ensure that your suppliers’ export documents (and your customs entries) are accurate and valid and that key data fields are accurately reported to Customs.
How you’ll benefit
Improved compliance. Your shipments will meet Customs’ requirements, helping ensure speedy release.
Reduced risk. More accurate and complete shipment information results in better compliance and reduced risk of fines.
Enhanced efficiency. The last-minute rework and challenges of missing shipment documentation are eliminated.