Proposed Amendments to the Explosives Regulations, 2013 to Add Explosives Precursor Chemicals

Government of Canada proposed amendments to the Explosives Regulations have been published in Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 153, Number 20, for a 30-day consultation period. The proposed amendments will strengthen Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) explosives security regime by updating the current list of explosives precursor chemicals to include four additional products.

The Minister of Natural Resources is responsible for the administration of the Explosives Act (the Act), which regulates the manufacture, testing, acquisition, possession, sale, storage, transportation, importation and exportation of explosives and the use of fireworks. 

The objective of the proposed amendments is to strengthen NRCan’s security regime by updating the current list of 10 explosives precursor chemicals to include 4 additional explosives precursor chemicals of concern and implement regulatory measures on those 4 explosives precursor chemicals.

The proposed amendments would update the current list of restricted components from 10 to 14 explosives precursor chemicals subject to regulation by adding the following to the list: calcium ammonium nitrate; hexamine, UN number 1328; acetone, UN number 1090; and aluminum powder, UN number 1309 and UN number 1396, in dry form and with a particle size of less than 200 μm.

The proposed amendments would add four explosives precursor chemicals (calcium ammonium nitrate, hexamine, acetone, and aluminum powder) to the current regulated list of explosives precursor chemicals.

  • (k) calcium ammonium nitrate;
  • (l) hexamine, UN number 1328;
  • (m) acetone, UN number 1090;
  • (n) aluminum powder, UN number 1309 and UN number 1396, in dry form and with a particle size of less than 200 μm.

Interested persons and stakeholder feedback and comments are welcome.  Please submit comments regarding the proposed amendments. Email:  [email protected]


Jean-Luc Arpin
Director and Chief Inspector of Explosives
Explosives Safety and Security Branch
Lands and Minerals Sector
Natural Resources Canada
Telephone: 613‑948‑5200
Email: [email protected]