Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations Amendment to Phase-down Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) Imports

The Regulations Amending the Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations published in Part II of the Canada Gazette on October 18, 2017 will come into force April 18, 2018. The Amendments will control HFCs through the phase-down of consumption of bulk HFCs complemented by controls on specific products containing or designed to contain HFCs, including refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment, foams and aerosols. All importers of bulk HFCs will receive an individual consumption allowance and the quantity of HFCs authorized for import under consumption allowances will decrease over time. Additionally, the Amendments aim to allow Canada to ratify the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol.

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) are manufactured chemicals that were introduced on the global market as replacements for ozone-depleting substances, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs). HFCs are not manufactured in Canada, but are imported in bulk and found in imported and manufactured products, such as domestic appliances, refrigeration and air-conditioning systems, motor vehicle air-conditioning systems, foam products, and aerosols. HFCs enter the environment due to leakage during assembly, usage, and disposal of these products

The Regulations also introduce prohibitions, by specific dates, on the manufacture and import of certain products and equipment that contain, or are designed to contain, HFCs and HFC blends. Depending on the different types of products within each sector, different dates for their prohibitions apply.

Also, product-specific controls will prohibit the import and manufacture of products and equipment that contain or are designed to contain any HFC, or any blend that contains an HFC, with a global warming potential greater than the designated limit. The product-specific controls will apply to the refrigeration and air conditioning, foam, mobile air-conditioning, and aerosols sectors. Unique global warming potential (GWP) limits and prohibition dates will be applied to different product types within each sector.

Details provided in Table 2 notes the timelines for prohibitions on specific products and equipment.

The Amendments to the Regulations:

  • control the amount of HFCs available for use through the phase-down of bulk HFCs;
  • introduce controls on specific products containing HFCs, including air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, foams and aerosols; and
  • make minor modifications to the HCFC provisions in the Regulations.

These provisions will directly impact:

  • bulk importers of HFCs, who import HFCs in bulk quantities for sale to, or use by manufacturers;
  • manufacturers of air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment, foams and aerosols; and
  • one HCFC manufacturer.

View the FAQ section on the regulatory amendment on HFC’s.

Contact Information:
Nathalie Morin – Director, Chemical Production Division
Department of the Environment
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 11th Floor
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H3

Phone number:
Fax number: 819-938-4218
Email address: [email protected]