Montreal Gateway Terminals announces extended gate hours and new fees

The Montreal Gateway Terminals Partnership (MGT) recently issued a notice to industry partners, notifying them of extended truck gate operating hours and an associated flat fee of $35 per laden container, which will take effect September 17, 2018.

This charge will reflect in trucking rates, which we expect will increase significantly.

The MGT announcement states the following:

Over the last few months, Montréal Gateway Terminals Partnership (“MGT”) participated in numerous meetings with Cargo M, the Québec Trucking Association and several trucking firms. The objective of these meetings was to explore opportunities that will improve the supply chain fluidity. The extension of truck gate hours was considered by all participants as a possible first-step initiative to improve overall productivity and have a positive impact on our industry’s continued sustainable development efforts.

On May 14, 2018 MGT announced its participation in a pilot project to extend truck gate operating hours. This pilot project was scheduled to end on June 29, 2018. Due to the program’s highly successful results it is being maintained and financed entirely by MGT.

MGT is committed to addressing the changing needs of the supply chain and will continue to offer the logistics community the flexibility of prolonged business hours, however we cannot afford to completely shoulder the cost indefinitely. Therefore, effective September 17, 2018, MGT will assess a flat fee of $35.00 per laden container received or delivered by truck during all operating hours. This fee, which will serve to help fund the extended gate service, will be assessed to trucking companies for each of their full import or full export transactions. With gate hours extended from 6:00am to 11:00pm, Monday through Friday, we will continue to service imports, exports, empties and reefer containers without reservations or appointments.

Over the next several weeks we will provide more information regarding the administrative aspects of the program.

We appreciate your understanding and look forward to continued cooperation focusing on delivering the highest standard of service to the supply chain. Meanwhile, should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at the following email address: [email protected]