Invitation to comment on the administration of the new TRQ’s and Origin Quotas

Consultation open to public and industry sector for comments and input on certain Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ) under the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).

Canada and the European Union have undertaken to provide new or expanded market access in specific sectors, by way of Tariff Rate Quotas for European Union cheese exports into Canada, and Origin Quotas for Canadian exports of high-sugar containing products, sugar confectionary and chocolate preparations, processed foods, dog and cat food, fish and seafood, textiles and apparel, and vehicles into the European Union. The Government of Canada would like to hear from interested parties on how these quotas should be administered.

On June 21, 2016, Global Affairs Canada opened a public online comment period to seek input on the administration of:

  1. The new 16,000 tonne tariff rate quota (TRQ) for cheeses of all types and 1,700 tonne TRQ for industrial cheese that will be implemented pursuant to Canada’s commitment under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between Canada and the European Union (EU).
  2. The new Origin Quotas for Canadian exports that will be implemented pursuant to the European Union’s (EU) commitment under CETA between Canada and the EU. The Origin Quotas for Canadian exports cover commodities in the following sectors:
  • High-sugar containing products
  • Sugar confectionery and chocolate preparations
  • Processed foods
  • Dog and cat food
  • Fish and seafood
  • Textiles and apparel
  • Vehicles

Comments can be provided online or send a written submission to mailto:[email protected]. Complete the feedback form by July 21, 2016.

Please click here for further information or to provide comments online.