Hot-rolled Carbon Steel and High-Strength Low-Alloy Steel Plate Notice of Interim Review

On June 22, 2018 the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) gave notice that it has initiated an interim review of its order made on January 7, 2014,  concerning the dumping of certain hot-rolled carbon steel plate and high-strength low-alloy steel plate originating in or exported from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, Ukraine, Brazil, Denmark, Indonesia, Italian , Japan and Korea.

An Interim review is a review of the need for duties imposed under SIMA while the measure is in effect (i.e. before the five years has expired).

The CITT can initiate an interim review on its own or at the request of an interested party. Parties might request an interim review to exclude particular goods that they want to import because they are not available in Canada or if they believe that duties are no longer needed because Canadian producers have gone out of business.

On August 8, 2016, the CITT informed parties to the above mentioned proceedings that it had determined that an interim review is warranted on the basis of facts related to the role and performance of service centers in the domestic industry that were not put into evidence in the original proceedings and that were not discoverable by the exercise of reasonable due diligence. The interim review was then held in abeyance pending resolution of the judicial review of Inquiry No. NQ‑2015‑001. The judicial review having now been resolved, the CITT will commence the interim review.

Any party participating in the interim review must file notice with the CITT on or before noon on July 6, 2018. Written submissions must be filed with the CITT no later than noon on August 24, 2018.

Once written submissions are filed, the CITT will determine whether an oral hearing will be held or if it will proceed by way of written submissions.

Written submissions, correspondence and requests for information regarding this notice should be addressed to:

The Registrar, Secretariat to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal,

15th Floor, 333 Laurier Avenue West,

Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G7,

Phone – 613-993-3595,

Fax – 613-990-2439

E-mail [email protected]

At the end of these proceedings, the CITT will issue a decision supported by a summary of the case, a summary of the arguments and an analysis of the case. The decision will be posted on its Web site and distributed to the parties and interested persons, as well as to organizations and persons that have registered to receive decisions of the CITT.

Further information regarding this proceeding, included submission details, e-filing instructions and the schedule of key events, are contained in CITT’s Notice of Commencement of Interim Review.

Please contact your Livingston account representative should you have any questions.