Government of Canada Takes Further Steps to Prevent Diversion of Steel Products into Canada

The Government of Canada continues to protect Canada’s steel industry and stand up for Canadian workers, by taking further steps to prevent diversion of foreign steel products into Canada. The Department of Finance is requesting your comments and input on the consultation ending August 29, 2018.

Recognizing the harm that diversion into Canada may cause to Canadian steel producers and workers, Finance Minister Bill Morneau launched a public consultation on possible safeguard action on imports of the following steel products:

  • Steel plate
  • Concrete reinforcing bar
  • Energy tubular products
  • Hot-rolled sheet
  • Pre-painted steel
  • Stainless steel wire
  • Wire rod

Safeguards are trade measures imposed under international trade rules in exceptional circumstances to respond to import surges that may harm Canadian producers and workers. The Government will continue to work with stakeholders to determine if additional products may be considered for safeguard action, and is committed to applying additional safeguards where circumstances warrant their application, in accordance with Canada’s international trade obligations.

Comments regarding possible safeguard action can be submitted to the Department of Finance Canada at [email protected] until August 29, 2018. Review the invitation to submit views and product details by description with tariff classification.