Energy Efficiency Requirement Changes for Portable Air Conditioners

June 4, 2020 – Amendment 16 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations came into effect December 12, 2019. Amendment 16 includes new requirements for portable air conditioners. These requirements apply to portable air conditioners manufactured on or after July 1, 2020.

Below is a summary of the new requirements for this product.

These requirements apply to portable air conditioners that fall under the following regulatory definition: A single package air conditioner, other than a packaged terminal air conditioner, room air conditioner or dehumidifier, with or without mounted wheels, that is portable and that

  • is designed to deliver cooled and conditioned air to an enclosed space
  • is powered by single-phase electric current, and
  • has a cooling capacity of less than 19 kW (65,000 Btu/h).

If your product does not fall within the scope of this definition, it is not considered a regulated product and does not need to meet the requirements of the Regulations.


There are three regulatory requirements that apply to portable air conditioners. The Guide to Canada’s

Energy Efficiency Regulations provides additional information for each requirement.

Energy Efficiency Verification Mark

Regulated energy-using products must bear an energy efficiency verification mark from a certification body accredited for energy efficiency verification/certification by the Standards Council of Canada. This mark indicates that the energy performance of the product has been verified and the mark is authorized for use by the certification body.

Energy Efficiency Report

The Regulations require an energy efficiency report be filed for each model prior to first import. Most products have a Searchable Product List which lists models reported to NRCan that are compliant with the Regulations. Complete the energy efficiency report template for portable air conditioners.

Test Standard:

The information provided on the energy efficiency report must be collected in accordance with Appendix CC to Subpart B, Part 430 of Title 10 to the United States Code of Federal Regulations.

Import Reporting

When portable air conditioners are imported, the following information must be provided to Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) on the customs release document.

  • name of product
  • model number
  • brand name, if any
  • address of the dealer who is importing the product
  • the purpose for which the product is being imported
  • for sale or lease in Canada without modification
  • for sale or lease in Canada after being modified to comply with the prescribed energy
  • efficiency standard or
  • for use as a component in a product being exported from Canada

For more information on import reporting, please visit Importer’s Corner.


For more information regarding complying with the requirements of the Regulations contact:

Stephanie Macdonald

Compliance Officer, Office of Energy Efficiency

Natural Resources Canada, Government of Canada

[email protected]

Kerry Virgin

Compliance Officer, Office of Energy Efficiency

Natural Resources Canada, Government of Canada

[email protected]