Countervailing duties on imports of seamless steel pipe

Secretariat of Economy

On November 5th, the Secretariat of Economy (SE) published in the Federal Official Gazette (DOF), the following information:

•The beginning of the administrative procedure to examine the validity of the final countervailing duty imposed on imports of seamless steel pipes originating in Japan, regardless of the country of origin, which enter through tariff items 7304.11.01, 7304.11, is declared. .02, 7304.11.03, 7304.11.99, 7304.19.01, 7304.19.02, 7304.19.03, 7304.19.91, 7304.19.99, 7304.39.10, 7304.39.11, 7304.39.12, 7304.39.13, 7304.39.14, 7304.39.15, 7304.39.91, 7304.39.92, 7304.39.99, 7304.59.11, 7304.59.12, 7304.59.13, 7304.59.14, 7304.59.15, 7304.59.16, 7304.59.91, 7304.59.92 and 7304.59 .99 of the TIGIE, or by any other, is declared.

• The examination period is set from July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 and the analysis period from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2020.

• National producers, importers, exporters, foreign legal entities or any person who proves to have a legal interest in the result of this examination procedure, will have a period of twenty-eight working days to prove their legal interest and submit the response to the official form established for this purpose, and the arguments and evidence they deem appropriate. The term of twenty-eight business days will be counted from the day following the publication in the DOF of this Resolution and will end at 6:00 p.m. on the expiration date. The presentation of the information will be made in accordance with the provisions of the “Agreement establishing administrative measures in the Ministry of Economy, due to the health emergency generated by the coronavirus COVID-19”, published in the DOF on 29 June 2020. Likewise, it can be requested through the email account [email protected].

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