Consultations on Modernization of Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement

February 27, 2020 – Global Affairs Canada recently announced the launch of public consultations on the possible modernization of the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA). The consultation deadline to comment and provide feedback ends on March 16, 2020.

Publication and details on the consultations to modernize the Canada-Ukraine FTA is also published in the Canada Gazette Part 1:vol 154 February 15, 2020.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced their mutual interest in expanding the existing CUFTA in July 2019. A modernization of the CUFTA provides an opportunity to increase the Agreement’s benefits for Canadians by further diversifying and expanding Canada’s preferential access to Ukraine and advancing an inclusive approach to trade in order that the benefits of trade are widely shared.

The entry into force of CUFTA on August 1, 2017, was an important milestone in the Canada-Ukraine bilateral relationship. It has generated significant growth in bilateral trade over the past few years and has created commercial benefits for Canadians and Ukrainians alike.

Consultations on modernizing this agreement will provide businesses, industry and all Canadians the opportunity to help Canada define its interests in its negotiations with Ukraine. They will inform how the government diversifies and expands Canada’s preferential access to Ukraine while ensuring that this creates opportunities that will benefit everyone.

All interested parties are encouraged to participate in the consultation, which will take place from February 15 to March 16, 2020.

To share your views or concerns on a potential modernization of the CUFTA, please visit Global Affairs Canada consultations. Additional information on Canada’s relationship with Ukraine can be found on the Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) web page.


Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement Consultations
Global Affairs Canada
Trade Policy and Negotiations (TCE)
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G2
Email: [email protected]