Consultations on Future World Trade Organization Negotiations on Electronic Commerce

As part of its interest in achieving binding commitments at the World Trade Organization (WTO) that reflect the reality of modern trade, the Government of Canada is seeking input from stakeholders to inform potential future WTO negotiations on e-commerce. Although the scope of these potential negotiations has yet to be determined, stakeholder input at this early stage will prove useful in identifying Canadian positions, interests, and sensitivities.

The consultation is to:

  • Inform Canada’s position, interests and any sensitivities for possible future negotiations at the WTO on e-commerce.
  • Hear stakeholders’ views on mentioned themes, or any other issues related to e-commerce they feel should be discussed or addressed through this WTO initiative.

This consultation is open to all Canadians and everyone is invited to share their ideas. The Government of Canada invites any Canadian stakeholder with an interest in the trade-related aspects of e-commerce to provide input as part of this consultation.

Global Affairs Canada would like to hear from:

  • Canadian businesses
  • civil society organizations
  • academics and experts
  • Indigenous groups
  • industry associations and labour unions
  • other interested parties

Global Affairs Canada has developed a short survey for stakeholders to complete, which can be accessed through the consultation webpage.

The submission period for the Canada Gazette notice will last 90 days, and end on April 25, 2019. The Government of Canada is committed to hearing from Canadians on this topic and will ensure that Canadians continue to have the opportunity to provide their views as we engage at the WTO, including through our ongoing consultation efforts.

All interested parties are invited to complete the survey or submit their input regarding potential future WTO negotiations on e-commerce by April 25, 2019.

Find more information in the Canada Gazette, Part I, Volume 153, Number 4

Contact information

WTO E-commerce Consultation
Services Trade Policy Division (TMS)
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON  K1A 0G2

E-mail: [email protected]