Compliance clarifications and Manual of NOM-016-CRE-2016 Specifications on the Quality of Petroleum Products

National Foreign Trade Information Service (SNICE)

On October 19th, 2020, the Secretariat of Economy published on the website of the National Foreign Trade Information Service (SNICE), the following information:

  • For the purposes of the provisions of number 5 BIS of the Annex of NOMs, the registered laboratories will continue to send the information of the quality certificates of origin, the results report, or the documents of a similar legal and technical nature issued to the importers by mail. electronic [email protected], in Excel format (XLS).
  • For the General Directorate of Trade Facilitation and Foreign Trade to validate the information and to send it electronically to the SAAI, formats will not be accepted, in the case of Regular or Premium gasoline that do not comply, among others, with the following fields: oxygen, type of oxygenating agent, region and zone.
  • Likewise, as of March 19, 2021, those formats that declare ethanol content greater than 5.8% -five-point eight percent by volume will not be validated, in accordance with NOM-016-CRE-2016, published in the DOF on August 19, 2016.

In this sense and as a complement, the User Manual for filling the petroleum product template was released, which contains general aspects, filling instructions and additional technical considerations.

Read full article (Spanish).