The U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) extended 266 out of 997 exclusions for Section 301 applicable to Chinese origin products appearing on List 3, which were originally approved over 14 different tranches.
The 21 complete 10-digit HTS, and 245 specific product descriptions extended, will use Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) 9903.88.56 and will expire on January 1, 2021. Exclusions which were not extended expired on August 7, 2020.
The USTR also granted 11 new exclusions for List 4A products. This includes one applicable to all products classified in HTS 8443.32.1050, as well as exclusions for nine specific product descriptions.
These new exclusions will use HTS 9903.88.55, and expire on September 1, 2020, when all List 4A exclusions expire, unless extended.
Excluded descriptions were modified for two previously issued exclusions, one appearing on List 2 for digital clinical thermometers of HTS 9025.19.8040, 9025.19.8010 or 9025.19.8020, and one appearing on List 1 for tractor shovel loaders of HTS 8429.51.1035.
If you have any questions regarding Section 301 Exclusions for Chinese origin products, Livingston can help! Please contact either your Livingston account manager or our regulatory affairs group at [email protected]