Chapter 44 HTS Changes as of October 1, 2018

July 30, 2018 Presidential Proclamation 9771, made certain Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) changes to Chapter 44, including those for softwood lumber, effective October 1, 2018, see HTS Comparison.

Chapter 44 changes, found in Annex III to the Proclamation, bring conformity with 2015 World Customs Organization (WCO) amendments to the global Harmonized System. The U.S, International Trade Commission (ITC) recommended these changes in 2016.

What is Changing?

Subheading Note added:

  • Subheadings 4407.19.05 and 4407.19.06 cover combinations of the named species whose proportions are not readily identifiable.

Softwood lumber changes to subheading 4407.10.01:

  • New HTS for mixtures of coniferous softwood, not treated:
    • SPF: Mixtures of spruce, pine and fir -in HTS 4407.19.0500; and
    • Hem-Fir: Mixtures of western hemlock and amabilis fir -in HTS 4407.19.0600.
  • Other Coniferous softwood will be classified based on the species:
    • Pine (Pinus ssp.) -in Subheading 4407.11.00,
    • Fir (Abies ssp.) and Spruce (Picea ssp.) -in subheading 4407.12.00, and
    • Other coniferous species -in subheading 4407.19.

Other Chapter 44 changes of note:

  • New breakout for whether coniferous or nonconiferous, for:
    • Fuel wood, in logs -subheadings 4401.10.00,
    • Treated wood in the rough – subheading 4403.10.00, and
    • Rail/Tramway sleepers – heading 4406.
  • New breakout for whether pine, fir, spruce, or other coniferous for:
    • Wood in the rough -subheadings 4403.21.00 – 4403.26.00.
  • New breakouts for beech, birch, poplar, aspen, and eucalyptus for:
    • Wood in the rough -subheadings 4403.93.00 – 4403.98.00.
  • New breakout for hardwood lumber for:
    • Birch (Betula ssp.) -subheading 4407.96.00, and
    • Poplar or Aspen (Populus spp.) -subheading 4407.97.00.
  • Changes to plywood of subheading 4412.32 to subheading 4412.33 for specifically named hardwoods; and 4412.34 for other nonconiferous wood.
  • Redesignations:
    • 4401.39.40 redesignated as 4401.39.41,
    • 4403.99.00 redesignated as 4403.99.01, and
    • 4407.99.01 redesignated as 4407.99.02.

It is recommended that North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Certificates of Origin (COOs) for affected products show these new tariff as of October 1, 2018.

If you have any questions regarding the October 1, 2018, tariff changes for Chapter 44 to the Tariff, Livingston can help!  Please contact your Livingston account manager, or our U.S. Regulatory Affairs Group at [email protected]