CFIA Renewal of Veterinary Biologics Establishment Licences, Product Licences, and Import Permits

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has issued a memorandum notice to importers and manufacturers of veterinary biologics on the renewal process for annual import permits and establishment and product licenses.

Memorandum 2018-01 serves as a renewal reminder for holders of Canadian veterinary biologics establishment licences, product licences, and Import permits. Annual import permits expire April 30, 2018, and establishment licences (Veterinary Biologics Establishment Licence) and product licences (Veterinary Biologics Product Licence) expire May 31, 2018. The following forms and guide for renewal of veterinary biologics import permits, as well as renewal information for holders of establishment licences and product licences, are available on the Canadian Centre for Veterinary Biologics (CCVB) website.

For foreign manufacturers, and their Canadian importers:

For Canadian manufacturers:

Please review the above materials, and follow the instructions when preparing your renewal application.

Please make a copy of your current Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) veterinary biologics Import Permit or the current CFIA Veterinary Biologics Establishment Licence and Veterinary Biologics Product Licence, as applicable, and note any necessary revisions. To allow time for processing of applications before the expiration of the current permits and licences, please send the completed application and appropriate cost-recovery fees as soon as possible.

It is the responsibility of the manufacturer to ensure that the product file is updated regularly and kept current with the CCVB. Canadian importers must update their CFIA veterinary biologics veterinarian of any major change in their facility or operating procedures.

If you have any questions or require additional information about the renewal procedure, please contact CCVB, c/o the Pre-market Application Submissions Office at 613-773-7408 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Surinder S Saini, DVM, MVSc, PhD
National Manager
Canadian Centre for Veterinary Biologics
Animal Import/Export Division
Animal Health Directorate