CFIA notice to importers – Pet supplements from the U.S.

On September 1, 2015, please take note of the following changes to pet supplements coming from the U.S.:

  • As of October 2, 2015, supplements for pets containing heat treated and shelf-stable animal ingredients from the USA no longer require an import permit.HS Codes: 230910156903, 230990156903, 230910156904, 230990156904
  • Shipments now need to be accompanied by a USDA-APHIS Export Certificate attesting to CFIA’s import requirements.
  • For those importers holding a valid Import Permit for pet supplements containing heat-treated animal ingredients a transition period has been granted until November 15, 2015.
  • Please note that the Automated Import Reference system (AIRS) has been updated to reflect the new import requirements and shipments that are transmitted electronically for CFIA National Import Service Centre (NISC’s) decision recommendation will be rejected by EDI.

Therefore, release requests will need to be submitted via paper submission (Fax) to CFIA/NISC until November 15, 2015.

Please note: Pet supplements comprised exclusively of fish oils continue to require an import permit.

Pet supplements comprised of animal ingredients, not heat treated, will require a CFIA case-by-case evaluation to determine import conditions.

Questions can be directed to:

CFIA Animal Import Division

Animal Products and By-Products Section

[email protected]