CFIA Consultation: Enhancing Openness and Transparency

Government of Canada departments and agencies are working to maximize release of government data and information to support transparency, accountability, citizen engagement, and socio-economic benefits.

In support of this initiative and as part of maintaining trust in Canada’s regulatory system for food, plants and animals, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) intends to refresh its approach to openness and transparency.

The CFIA is conducting consultation with industry for feedback and input June 20, 2018 to August 2, 2018

This means it will proactively release more information about its regulatory and scientific activities, decisions, programs and services in useful, timely, and accessible formats, while appropriately protecting personal and confidential information.

The CFIA wants to hear from Canadians and stakeholders on how and where it should increase openness and transparency. Interested parties can provide comments and views by August 2, 2018.
To participate you can complete the online survey, attend a webinar or submit by email. [email protected]