CBSA Initiates Normal Value Review on Carbon Steel Fasteners

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) on October 13, 2020, initiated a normal value and export price review respecting certain carbon steel fasteners originating in or exported from Taiwan by Jau Yeou Industry Co., Ltd. (Jau Yeou).

Further product details as well as the applicable tariff classification numbers of the subject goods are contained in Appendix 1 of the Notice of Normal Value Review.

If the exporter (Jau Yeou Industry Co., Ltd) decides to participate in the normal value review, they are required to provide a complete and accurate response to the CBSA’s Request for Information (RFI) by November 19, 2020.

Should the exporter not provide a complete response to the RFI by the deadline date, normal values applicable to the subject goods will be determined by advancing the export price of the goods by 170%.

Any questions concerning the above should be directed to:

Joël Joyal: 613‑954‑7173

Or by Email to: [email protected]

The CBSA Notice of Initiation of Normal Value Review containing additional details is found on CBSA’s website.

Please contact your Livingston account representative should you have any questions.