CBP Issues Hurricane Maria Diversion Guidance for Ocean Carriers

Similar to guidance issued following Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, US Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has issued CSMS 17-000608 providing “Hurricane Maria Diversion Guidance for Ocean Carriers.”

CBP recognizes the current extraordinary weather situation created by Hurricane Maria may cause many ocean vessels to divert from their intended port of unlading to other port locations for discharge purposes. To ensure smooth processing of bills and associated status notifications in the new port of unlading, CBP reminds the carriers they should amend the manifest to reflect the new port of unlading.

This action will ensure the automated terminals at the new port of discharge will receive the appropriate notifications. Ports should not penalize carriers for Trade Act violations caused by diversion of cargo.

CARRIERS: When diverting to another port, please send the new destination port to [email protected]. For those ships that have already diverted, CBP asks that the new port also be sent to the same mailbox.

As always, your general questions about this regulatory update may be directed to your Livingston account manager, or to Livingston’s US Regulatory Affairs group: [email protected].