Reminder: CBP to Increase User Fees for Fiscal Year 2018 – effective January 1, 2018

U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has published a November 1, 2017, Federal Register Notice (FRN) advising the below-noted increase(s), effective January 1, 2018. CBP will increase Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) “user fees” by 2.677 per-cent to adjust for inflation in fiscal year 2018.

Affected user fees include the mer¬chandise processing fee (MPF… Minimum & Maximum only) and truck, rail and vessel arrival fees. The Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, passed in 2015, required CBP make inflation adjustments and fee limitations when deemed necessary.

Changes to prominent fees paid by Livingston to CBP via the 7501/Entry Summary are:

MPF Minimum          25.67
(previously $25.00; preliminary review shows only this “Minimum” is increasing; we see no change to the MPF % of 0.3464%)

MPF Maximum          497.99 (previously $485.00)

Dutiable Mail Fee          5.65 (previously $5.50)

Other user fees affected, along with their January 1, 2018 amount(s):

  • commercial truck arrival: $5.65 / $102.68 annual cap
  • rail car arrival: $8.47 / $102.68 annual cap
  • commercial vessel arrival: $448.70 / $6,114.46 annual cap
  • barge and other bulk carrier arrival: $112.95 / $1,540.17 annual cap
  • private vessel or aircraft first arrival/calendar year prepayment: $28.24
  • commercial vessel or aircraft passenger arrival: $5.65
  • customs broker permit: $141.70
  • express consignment carrier/centralized hub facility, per individual waybill/bill of lading: $0.36 minimum, $1.03 maximum
  • surcharge for manual entry or release: $3.08
  • informal entry or release not prepared by CBP personnel: $2.05 automated, $6.16 manual
  • informal entry or release prepared by CBP personnel: $9.24

The FRN indicates further information may be obtained by contacting CBP, as follows:

Bruce Ingalls, Director—Revenue Division
(317) 298–1107,
[email protected]

or, Tina Ghiladi, Director—Fee Strategy, Communications, and Integration
[email protected]

As always, your general questions about the information presented here may be addressed with your Livingston account representative, or by contacting Livingston’s US Regulatory Affairs group: [email protected].