Bulletin No.29: Update of Manual of Transmission of Electronic Quota Letters to SAAI

Tax Administration Service (SAT)

On December 16th, Bulletin No. 29 was published on the portal of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), through which version 6.0 of the Transmission Manual for Electronic Quota Letters to SAAI was released for the General Deposit Warehouses, where the following modifications were disclosed:

  1. Field 7 called “subdivision” was incorporated into the registry “651 Goods” in order to declare the commercial identification number in accordance with the New Law of General Import and Export Taxes, which will enter into force on 28 December 2020.
  2. Due to the foregoing, the numbering of the following fields of said record was traversed, remaining as follows:
  • Field 8 sequence
  • Field 9 unit of measure
  • Field 10 quantity of merchandise
  • Field 11 description of the merchandise

Finally, it is reported that the aforementioned guidelines are published on the Customs portal in the following route: Customs / Cargo / Services / File downloads Import and export / Final and preliminary manuals.

For any questions or comments, write to: [email protected] and [email protected].

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