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Get a Customs Brokerage price in 3 minutes or less
The more we know about your needs, the better we’ll be able to serve you.
Begin by telling us about your business entity, where you’re importing to, and your industry.
Click and customize the underlined words in the statement below to describe your needs:
Please select your transport mode(s) in Step 2.
Select your shipments' origin, its destination, and the expected volume of shipments per mode of transport you selected above:
Please let us know a bit more about your import requirements.
Request a quote today and a trade advisor will do what they do best so you can focus on what you do best. They’ll get you a great price and ensure your goods clear customs quickly and reliably.
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Please note: The price displayed above is based on shipping characteristics entered and only includes entry preparation fees. Additional charges may apply.
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This tool (Livingston International Brokerage Calculator) is intended for new Livingston International Inc. (“Livingston”) clients only. For Canadian Brokerage Services all prices are displayed in CAD. For U.S. Brokerage Service all prices are displayed in USD. The price displayed is solely for base brokerage Customs entry fees and does not include ancillary service fees that may apply. The base brokerage entry fee is not a guaranteed amount: it is based on the accuracy and completeness of the information you have provided and certain assumptions; we cannot and do not guarantee the accuracy of the pricing until you obtain a final quotation from a Livingston representative as indicated below. Prices displayed exclude applicable ancillary fees, customs duties and taxes, licenses, permits, certificates, and third party or other customs charges or requirements. Additional information may be required by our trade advisors over the phone to provide you with a final quotation and you will also be required to enter into contractual documentation with Livingston in order for us to provide services to you. Notwithstanding the fact that a price is displayed by this tool, your business needs may require different or additional services. Certain conditions, limitations and exclusions may apply. Offer may vary and be modified without notice. Please obtain a copy of Livingston’s Customs Brokerage Services Terms and Conditions at
Livingston International Brokerage Calculator is provided solely for the use of prospective Livingston clients to generate preliminary customs brokerage pricing and may not be used by any other person or entity, or for any other purpose. Livingston does not accept ideas, concepts, or techniques for new services or products through Livingston International Brokerage Calculator. If such information is received, it will not be considered confidential and Livingston will be deemed free to use, communicate and exploit such information in any manner it chooses. The Livingston International Brokerage Calculator and its content may be changed, deleted or updated at any time without notice. The Livingston International Brokerage Calculator and its content are protected by Canadian and United States and international copyright, trademark and other laws. © 1995-2017 Livingston International Inc. All rights reserved. You may not copy, modify, translate, transmit, distribute, adapt, reproduce, decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble any part of Livingston International Brokerage Calculator or it’s Content.
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How can we help you?
Getting a Customs Brokerage Price is easy. Simply tell us what you want, and a Livingston representative will be in contact to advise you on the most efficient way to accomplish your requirements. We are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
CALL 1-800-837-1063