Environment Canada Consultation and Banning of Single-use Plastic Items

The Minister of Environment and Climate Change recently announced the next steps in the Government of Canada’s plan to achieve zero plastic waste by 2030. The plan will protect wildlife and our waters, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and create jobs.

The Government of Canada is seeking your comments on A Proposed Integrated Management Approach to Plastic Products to Prevent Waste and Pollution and the proposed Order to add “plastic manufactured items” to Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA). Your comments will help inform actions to advance the comprehensive plastic agenda to achieve zero plastic waste by 2030 and foster a circular economy that keeps plastic in the economy and out of the environment. Discussion paper opened on October 7, 2020. The proposed Order will open on October 10, 2020. Both documents will close to new input on December 9, 2020.

Submit your comments via email at: [email protected]

A key part of the plan is a ban on harmful single-use plastic items where there is evidence that they are found in the environment, are often not recycled, and have readily available alternatives. Based on those criteria, the six items the Government proposes to ban are plastic checkout bags, straws, stir sticks, six-pack rings, cutlery, and food ware made from hard-to-recycle plastics.

This list of items was published in the discussion paper Proposed Integrated Management Approach to Plastic Products to Prevent Waste and Pollution. This plan also proposes improvements to recover and recycle plastic, so it stays in our economy and out of the environment. The Government of Canada is proposing to establish recycled content requirements in products and packaging. This will drive investment in recycling infrastructure and spur innovation in technology and product design to extend the life of plastic materials.

The Government wants to hear from Canadians and stakeholders on this approach to protect the environment from plastic pollution and reduce waste through a more circular economy. Comments will be accepted until December 9, 2020. Regulations will be finalized by the end of 2021.

The Government of Canada is collaborating with provinces and territories through the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment. Together, all federal, provincial and territorial governments agreed to the Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste that lays out a vision for a circular economy for plastics, as well as a two-phase action plan that is being jointly implemented. Provinces, territories, and municipalities are leaders in the recovery and recycling of plastic waste. The Government of Canada is continuing to work with them to strengthen existing programs and increase Canada’s capacity to reuse and recover more plastics. This will include collaborating with them to develop pan-Canadian targets to ensure that rules are consistent and transparent across the country and make producers and sellers of plastic products responsible for collecting them. There is currently no existing Canada-wide integrated management of plastics that cover a range of lifecycle stages (e.g. design and manufacture, import, use, waste management) and different plastic sectors (e.g. packaging, single-use items).

Questions can be directed to the Substances Management Information Line:

Email: [email protected]

Other Related information is also available.
Plastic Pollution Information Sheet

Discussion paper on a Proposed Integrated Management Approach to Plastic Products to Prevent Waste and Pollution

Proposed Order adding plastic manufactured items to Schedule 1 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999

Science Assessment of Plastic Pollution

Canada’s Zero Plastic Waste website

Canada-wide Strategy on Zero Plastic Waste

Canada-wide Action Plan on Zero Plastic Waste

Ocean Plastics Charter

Microbeads in Toiletries Regulations

Contact us

Program Development and Engagement Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Gatineau (Quebec) K1A 0H3

Fax: 819-938-5212
Email: [email protected]