Product labeling microsite and FAQ

National Foreign Trade Information Service (SNICE)

On September 30, 2020, the microsite called “NOMs ETIQUETADO” was announced, which can be consulted on the portal of the National Foreign Trade Information Service (SNICE), at the following link:

Forms of compliance with labeling

  1. Labeling in country of origin Import your goods displaying the origin labeling with the corresponding commercial or health information standard, which will be subject to review by the customs authority. You can accompany the label with a certificate issued by an Accredited Verification Unit (UVA).
  1. Compliance in General Deposit Warehouse (AGD) If you allocate your merchandise to the tax warehouse regime, you will be able to meet the labeling requirements in an AGD accredited and approved as UVA.
  1. Compliance at home Transfer your imported goods to a private address where a UVA will carry out the verification of labeling compliance.

Furthermore, from October 1st, 2020 (NOM-051-SCFI / SSA1-2010):

You must comply in a mandatory way at customs with:

  • Warning stamps and cautionary legends (black octagons).
  • Restriction of the use of children’s characters, animations, cartoons, celebrities in the labeling (enforceable in customs as of April 1, 2021).

Likewise, on October 1st, a list with frequently asked questions was published within the minisite, about compliance with labeling regulations and commercial information.

Among the questions that we can consult, are among others, for example:

1. If my merchandise is subject to compliance with any of the official Mexican commercial information standards listed in number 3 of the Annex of NOMs, can a document or document be presented to continue importing without accrediting the corresponding standard before the customs authority?

As of October 1, 2020, compliance with NOMs of commercial information through letters presented will not be exempted.

In case of having knowledge that the Annex of NOMs regulates goods that are not contemplated within the field of application of a NOM, the case should be sent to the email: [email protected]

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