Regulations Amending the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (National Safety Marks and Importation)

March 12, 2020 – In Canada Gazette Part II Vol.154. Regulations amending certain regulations made under the Motor Vehicle Safety Act (National Safety Marks and Importation was recently published.

Certain amendments were made to the Motor Vehicle Tire Safety Regulations, National Safety Mark and Tire ID, Motor Vehicle Restraint System and Booster Seats Safety Regulations.

Amendments to the Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations will allow for the importation of vehicles from Mexico, expand the definition of “restricted-use vehicle” and clarify the link between the expressions “at the time [of] the main assembly” in the Act and “date of manufacture” in the Vehicle Regulations.

These amendments will also set out the conditions for the temporary importation of vehicles, tires and child restraint systems in their respective regulations. A temporarily imported vehicle may also be donated as provided for in the Vehicle Regulations. In addition, these amendments will set out the National Safety Mark for vehicles and tires in their respective regulations and allow the optional use of the United States format for the Tire Identification Number (TIN).

The objective of the amendments is to reduce trade barriers by amending the Vehicle Regulations, so they reflect the changes to the Motor Vehicle Safety Act.

Transport Canada periodically issues its Regulatory Plan, which describes planned regulatory initiatives and changes to the Regulations. This plan is distributed to stakeholders (e.g. automotive industry, public safety organizations, and interested members of the general public). Stakeholders have the opportunity to comment on these initiatives by letter or email. Transport Canada also regularly consults, in face-to-face meetings or by teleconference, with the automotive industry, public safety organizations, the provinces and the territories.


Jessey Almeida
Regulatory Development Engineer
Multimodal and Road Safety Programs
Transport Canada
330 Sparks Street, 11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0N5
Email: [email protected]