Section 301 December 15 List 4B Tariffs are Off

December 13, 2019 – President Trump announced via twitter, the tariffs from List 4B set for December 15th will not be charged due to the Phase One Deal made with China.

The Phase One agreement includes a commitment by China that it will make substantial additional purchases of U.S. goods and services in the coming years.  The United States has agreed to modify its Section 301 tariffs in a significant way.

The United States will be maintaining:

  • 25% tariffs on Lists 1, 2 and 3
  • List 4A – drop to 7.5% -effective date to be determined

If you have any questions regarding the Section 301 December 15 List 4B tariffs, Livingston can help!  Please contact either your Livingston account manager or our regulatory affairs group at [email protected]