Consultation on Proposed Changes for Importing Earthworms

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has launched a public consultation on proposed changes to the plant protection requirements for importing earthworms into Canada for commercial purposes. Provide your feedback and comments by the closing date August 16, 2019.

If are you an earthworm producer, distributor, importer or exporter or you have an interest in matters related to angling, bait or vermicomposting the import requirement may apply to you.

Earthworms are regularly imported into Canada for commercial purposes such as bait and vermicomposting. Earthworms are considered beneficial in some environments. However, they may also present a threat to Canada’s agricultural, forestry and natural environments by potentially carrying soil with parasites and diseases.

CFIA enforces requirements under the Plant Protection Act to mitigate risks presented by the import of earthworms for commercial purposes. CFIA is proposing to update these requirements to better align with the risk earthworms present to plant health in Canada

Review the proposed changes and summary of the import permit and documentation requirements current today and proposed end state.

Contact us
Invasive Alien Species and Domestic Programs Section
Plant Protection Division
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9
Email: [email protected]