Global Affairs Canada looking for input on tariff rate quotas

Global Affairs Canada (GAC) has launched public consultations on how it allocates and administers tariff rate quotas (TRQs) for a number of poultry and dairy products under supply management. The consultations will provide evidence-based recommendations to guide the Canadian government’s decisions on longer-term TRQ-related allocation policies for dairy, poultry and egg products.
The government is looking to hear from both individuals and organizations via an online questionnaire found on its website.

What is a tariff rate quota?

A tariff rate quota (TRQ) is an import mechanism that allows a certain amount of a specific product to be imported at a low or zero duty rate, while anything above that is generally charged a much higher rate.

Why is the Canadian government holding these consultations?

As a result of new trade agreements – CETA, USMCA/CUSMA, CPTPP – the Government of Canada has increased its tariff rate quota commitments for supply managed commodities, leading to over 58 TRQs in total for various products. The Government is seeking stakeholder views on the allocation and administration of these TRQs to ensure continued efficiency and effectiveness.

The survey closes at 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time) on August 31, 2019. You can also provide your comments directly to Global Affairs Canada, either as an individual or on behalf of an organization, by contacting [email protected].