Fresh Tomatoes from Mexico: Intent to Terminate Suspension Agreement

The Department of Commerce (DOC) intends to terminate the 2013 Suspension Agreement on Fresh Tomatoes from Mexico, rescind the five-year sunset review of the suspended investigation and the administrative review of the 2013 Agreement, and to resume the antidumping (AD) investigation initiated in 1996.

The merchandise subject to the 2013 Agreement is all fresh or chilled tomatoes with Mexico as their origin, except those tomatoes which are for processing.

The Border Trade Alliance (BTA) opposes the decision by The Department of Commerce (DOC) to withdraw from the 2013 Tomato Suspension Agreement stating that this move attempts to tilt trade policy in favor of parochial Florida farmer interests and jeopardizes the health of the national agriculture industry.

If parties do not reach a new suspension agreement on or before May 7, 2019, Commerce (DOC) intends to terminate the 2013 Agreement and resume the underlying AD investigation.

If you have any questions regarding Fresh Tomatoes from Mexico, Livingston can help!  Please contact either your Livingston account manager or our regulatory affairs department at [email protected]