Imports and Exports of Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos Prohibited

The  Prohibition of Asbestos and Products Containing Asbestos Regulations   were published in the Canada Gazette, Part II: Vol.152, No. 21. These regulations prohibit the import, sale and use of asbestos, as well as the manufacture, import, sale and use of products containing asbestos, with some exceptions. These regulations are published under the authority of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA 1999), and will come into force on December 30, 2018.

In addition, the Export of Substances on the Export Control List Regulations   have been amended to list all forms of asbestos on the Export Control List (Schedule 3 to CEPA 1999).  An order amending Schedule 3 to CEPA 1999 was published in the Canada Gazette, Part II: Vol. 152, No. 21 – October 17, 2018 .

These amendments support the Regulations Prohibiting Asbestos and Asbestos Products by adding new provisions to prohibit (with some exceptions) the export of asbestos and products containing asbestos. They also ensure that Canada is compliant with its export obligations under international conventions, including the Rotterdam Convention.
More information

FAQ’s on the prohibition of asbestos and products containing asbestos.
Asbestos and products containing asbestos information

For any questions or concerns contact:
Chemicals Management Division
Environment and Climate Change Canada
Place Vincent Massey 10th Floor
351 Saint-Joseph Blvd
Gatineau Quebec
K1A 0H3
By email: [email protected]