Products of Natural Milk Constituents (Item 125 on the Import Control List)

Global Affairs Canada issued a notice on 8 February 2018 to inform industry stakeholders that following the completion of the allocation process for products of natural milk constituents, for the 2018 allocation year, quantities are still available. As of today, the quantity still available is 371,005 kilograms.

Available quantities of tariff rate quota will be allocated to eligible applicants who demonstrate a requirement for products of natural milk constituents (including for other products of natural milk constituents such as blends) in their manufacturing operations and product formulations as per the allocation method detailed in Section 4 of Notice to Importers No. 891.

If the cumulative requests made by eligible applicants exceed the quantity available, the quantity allocated to each eligible applicant will be the lower of the quantity requested or an equal share.

Those interested in securing an allocation for products of natural milk constituents are to submit their request by email to [email protected] by close of business March 2, 2018.

If you have any questions, please contact [email protected].

Thank you,

Trade Controls Policy Division (TIC)
Global Affairs Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G2