CETA Cheese Tariff Rate Quota Information for Importers and Quota allocation applications now being accepted for 2018

Global Affairs Canada has published updated Notices to Importers on CETA cheese tariff rate quotas.

Notice to Importers No. 904 dated October 1, 2017 Dairy – CETA Cheese tariff rate quota items 141 to 157 on import control list replaces notice to importers No. 895 and provides details on EU imports of cheese into Canada subject to import controls. The allocation is from January to December on an annual basis. The access quantity for CETA cheese TRQ will be phased in over five years in six installments. Applicants who wish to apply for an allocation are invited to submit their application form no later than 15 November, 2017 for 2018 TRQ allocation.

Notice to Importers No. 905 dated October 1,2017 Dairy – CETA Cheese tariff Rate quota Items 141 to 157 on the import control list replaces the notice to importers No.896 and provides the tariff quota for CETA industrial cheese allocation and policies and procedures. The quota level set for EU industrial cheese is 1,700,000 kilograms used as ingredients for further processing. The access quantity for CETA industrial cheese TRQ will be phased in over five years, in six installments. Applicants who wish to apply for an allocation under this TRQ are invited to submit their completed application form by 15 November 2017 for 2018 TRQ allocation.

Notice to Importers No. 906 dated October 1, 2017 Dairy –WTO Cheese tariff rate quota Items 141 to 157 on the import control list replaces notice to importers 890, the notice provides information pursuant to the authority of the Export and Import Permits Act (EIPA) and its corresponding regulations. Pursuant to Canada’s commitment under the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Canada committed to reallocate 800,000 kilograms from the non-EU reserve to the EU reserve.

Consequently, 14,271,831 kilograms is reserved for EU-origin cheeses and 6,140,035 kilograms is reserved for non-EU origin cheeses. The WTO TRQ for cheeses of all types is set at 20,411,866 kilograms.
The WTO cheese TRQ is allocated every calendar year to traditional import allocation holders on the basis of their historical import quota as adjusted since, if necessary, for any under-utilization as governed by the Allocation Methods Order — Cheese and Cheese Products, Ice Cream, Yogurt, Powdered Buttermilk and Concentrated Milk (SOR/95-196). Allocations to individual eligible applicants will normally be capped at a maximum 20 percent of the WTO cheese TRQ.

Enquiries about import allocations may be addressed to:
Hugues Leroux
Tel: 343-203-4370
Fax: 613-996-0612
Email: [email protected]

Or for assistance call Global Affairs at 343-203-6820.