Unified Cargo Processing Soon Available at Otay Mesa Cargo Facility

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced the Unified Cargo Processing (UCP) Pilot Program will soon be available at the Otay Mesa Cargo Facility in San Diego, California. The pilot program will commence sometime in October for Free and Secure Trade (FAST) participants.

UCP is a partnership between U.S. CBP and Mexico’s Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT), where they conduct joint cargo inspections, eliminating separate inspections, and subsequently reducing wait times at the border.

UCP is also available at the Mariposa commercial inspection facility in Nogales, Arizona.

More efficient examinations, reduced cost of doing business, and enhanced national security are expected.

If you have any questions regarding Unified Cargo Processing, Livingston can help! Please contact either your Livingston account manager or our regulatory affairs department at [email protected].