CETA Export Permits and TRQ Allocations

The Government of Canada and the European Union (EU) established a number of origin quotas to allow for specific quantities of some certain products to receive CETA preferential tariff treatment if the products meet certain conditions. Canada and the EU will process imports of origin quota-eligible products on a first-come, first-served basis. The origin quota year extends from January 1 to December 31, inclusive. For 2017 only, the origin quota year extends from September 21 to December 31, inclusive

Textiles and Apparel TRQ imports and exports
Canada has established import permit requirements for textile and apparel importation into Canada from EU countries. Textile and apparel products covered by Canada’s origin quotas require an import permit to obtain CETA tariff rates.

A select number of origin quota apparel products will require an export permit. Textiles and most apparel that are eligible under CETA origin quotas are not subject to export control and no export permit is required. Under CETA origin quotas, certain products that do not satisfy the product-specific rules of origin under Annex 5: Product-Specific Rules of Origin may qualify as originating under alternative product-specific rules of origin as specified in Annex 5-A: Origin quotas and alternatives to the product-specific rules of origin in annex 5 (Annex 5-A).

Other Origin Quota Exports
An export permit is required for sugar confectionery and chocolate preparations; processed foods; and dog and cat food under a set annual quota amount.

High-sugar containing products and vehicles under CETA origin quotas will be administered by way of annual quota allocation on a first-come first-served basis and the exporter in Canada to provide the origin declaration to the importer in the EU.

There are no export permits required for fish and seafood as administered under first-come first-served quota basis.

Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions – CETA Origin Quotas web page for additional information on the new CETA origin quotas.

If you have additional questions e-mail Global Affairs Canada at: [email protected].