NRCAN Energy Star technical specification updates

Natural Resources is providing an update on Energy Star technical specifications requirements on energy efficiency standards for clothes washers, dryers, room air conditioners and lamps that are regulated in Canada.

Clothes washers
The ENERGY STAR Version 8.0 technical specification for clothes washers has been finalized and will come into effect on February 5, 2018. Effective immediately, manufacturers may elect to have their Certification Body (CB) certify eligible products to the Version 8.0 requirements. After October 5, 2017, CBs will be instructed to stop certifying new product submittals to Version 7.1.
More information can be found on the Product Development webpage.

Clothes dryers
The ENERGY STAR Version 1.1 technical specification for clothes dryers has been finalized. This version incorporates the definition of Clothes Dryer with a Supplementary Drying System.
More information can be found on the Product Development webpage.

Room Air Conditioners
The final draft ENERGY STAR Test Method to validate Demand Response capabilities of Room Air Conditioners with connected functionality has been released. The final Demand Test Method will be required for any new Room Air Conditioner listings for which the brand owner wishes to designate the product as connected. Any final comments on the Test Method may be submitted via email by May 26, 2017 to [email protected].
More information can be found on the Product Development webpage.

The ENERGY STAR Lamps specification version 2.1 is nearing finalization. A letter has been released by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency detailing three refinements to its original proposals relating to flicker metrics, minimum lifetime requirement for directional lamps and criteria for LED packages. Any final comments about these revisions may be submitted via email by May 18, 2017 to [email protected]. Please indicate “ENERGY STAR Lamps V2.1 Comments” in the email subject line.
More information can be found on the Product Development webpage.