Update to the Implementation of the Single Window Initiative (SWI)

The Single Window Initiative (SWI) provides commercial importers with the ability to submit electronic information to the CBSA, in advance of their arrival, through the use of the Integrated Import Declaration (IID) using service option 911. SWI is a single point of entry for the advance electronic reporting of import information for brokers and clients. The physical presentation of an import permit, license, and certificates will not be required when using the SWI IID process. This new service provides the ability for importers and brokers to obtain release of various regulated goods that previously could only be released through a paper process. Come April 1, 2018, the SWI service options will be active in CBSA’s system.

The following Participating Government Departments and Agencies (PGA) programs are available for the Integrated Import Declaration (IID):

  • Natural Resources Canada
    a) Explosives
  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission
    a) Import Program (Nuclear Substances and Equipment)
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada
    a) Vehicle and Engine Emissions, Ozone Depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives, and Wildlife Enforcement
  • Global Affairs Canada (previously Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada)
    a) Import Controls of Agricultural, Steel, and Textiles and Clothing Products
  • Health Canada
    a) Importation of Consumer Products, Cosmetics, Radiation Emitting Devices and Pest Control Products
    b) Importation of Human Drugs, Natural Health Products, and Medical Devices Regulated by the Food and Drugs Act,
    c) Importation of Controlled Substances and Precursors
  • Natural Resources Canada
    a) Importation of Energy-using Products,
    b) Kimberley Process (Import of Rough Diamonds)
  • Public Health Agency of Canada
    a) Importation of Human and Terrestrial Animal Pathogens and Biological Toxins
  • Transport Canada
    a) Importation of Vehicles and Tires
  • Environment and Climate Change Canada
    a) Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Recyclable Material
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • Fisheries and Oceans Canada
    a) Commercial importation of aquatic species under the Aquatic Biotechnology, Aquatic Invasive Species and Trade Tracking (Fisheries Resource Management) Programs

For information about the SWI, contact the CBSA, at [email protected].

Learn more on CBSA Single Window Initiative (SWI).