CBP Updates FTA Side-by-Side Comparison to Reflect 2017 HTS

US Customs & Border Protection (CBP) has posted an updated document providing side-by-side comparisons of current U.S. free trade agreements (FTA) and preferential trade programs.

This version, dated March 29th, includes a new section for each agreement on whether or not “Tariff Shift Rules (have been) Updated to 2017 HTSUS“. CBP also updated the expiration dates for the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP…December 31, 2017) and African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA…September 30, 2025). The document “disclaims” it “is for comparative purposes and is not legally binding.”

The document compares multiple provisions, including requirements pertinent to: primary compliance responsibility, Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) exemptions, direct shipment, rules of origin, documentation, regional value content, de minimis, inventory management methods, port-importation claims, reconciliation claims, etc.

Questions about this regulatory update may be directed to Livingston’s US Regulatory Affairs group: [email protected].