NRCAN advisory Notice of Amendment 15 to Energy Efficiency Regulations

The Department of Natural Resources (NRCAN) has issued a Notice of Intent to improve the energy efficiency of appliances and equipment through Amendment 15 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations. Publication in Canada Gazette provides details on the notice and Amendment 15.

The Government of Canada is committed to taking action on climate change by improving energy efficiency standards for appliances and equipment, and reducing regulatory burden through alignment with the United States and collaboration with provinces and territories. Improving energy efficiency standards provides both economic and environmental benefits to Canada.

The Department of Natural Resources is initiating the development of Amendment 15 to the Energy Efficiency Regulations under the Energy Efficiency Act to increase the stringency of existing energy efficiency standards for 11 product categories and to introduce such standards for the first time in Canada for 6 product categories.

Amendments to the Regulations
Natural Resources Canada is proceeding with the development of Amendment 15 to introduce or update energy efficiency standards and, where applicable, test methods and associated reporting and compliance requirements for the 17 product categories listed below. The intent is to align 11 of the 17 product categories with energy efficiency standards in force or expected to be in force in the United States, subject to an analysis of Canadian market conditions. For the remaining 6 product categories, NRCAN will undertake an analysis of the environmental and economic impacts of moving to more stringent standards.

For further information contact:

Debbie Scharf
Equipment Division
Office of Energy Efficiency
Natural Resources Canada
930 Carling Avenue, Building 3, 1st Floor
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0Y3
Telephone: 613-996-4359
Fax: 613-947-5286
Email: [email protected]