Government of Canada Initiates Dumping Inquiry on Certain Silicon Metal

On February 20, 2017 the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) announced that it had initiated investigations under the Special Import Measures Act (SIMA) respecting the alleged injurious dumping of certain silicon metal originating in or exported from the Federative Republic of Brazil (Brazil), the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kazakhstan), Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, the Kingdom of Norway (Norway), the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Thailand (Thailand), and the alleged injurious subsidizing of certain silicon metal originating in or exported from Brazil, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Norway and Thailand.
The investigations follow a complaint filed by Québec Silicon Limited Partnership and QSIP Canada ULC (collectively, “Québec Silicon”).

The subject goods are usually classified under the HS classification number 2804.69.00.00.

Please note that this HS number is provided for reference only and the full product description must be referenced for a full description of products are being investigated.

Any questions concerning the CBSA investigation should be directed to the following CBSA officers:

Andrew Manera:  613-946-2052
Jason Huang:   613-954-7388

More information on the CBSA Investigation can be found on the CBSA website.

Concurrently on February 21, 2017 the Canadian International Trade Tribunal (CITT) gave notice that it had initiated an inquiry to determine if the alleged dumping and subsidizing of the silicon metal being investigated by CBSA, has caused injury or retardation or is threatening to cause injury as defined by SIMA.

Parties wishing to participate in the preliminary injury inquiry must file a notice of participation with the CITT on or before March 6, 2017.

Written submissions & requests for information should be sent to:

The Registrar, Secretariat to the Canadian International Trade Tribunal
15th Floor, 333 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0G7

Telephone:      613-993-3595
Fax:                  613-990-2439
E-mail:             [email protected]

Information on the CITT injury inquiry is found on the CITT website.

Please contact your Livingston account representative should you have any questions.