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The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has embarked on a transformation and modernization agenda, propelled by the new Safe Food for Canadians Act that is focused on stronger food safety rules, more effective inspection, commitment to service and more information transparency for consumers.

In May 2014, CFIA published the latest framework for food inspection. To download this document, click here.

The Safe Food for Canadians Act is the cornerstone of CFIA’s agenda for change that is aimed at promoting safer food and better protection to optimize the health and safety of Canadians and make Canadian businesses more competitive globally.

Key change initiatives include:

  • Inspection Modernization;
  • Food Regulatory Modernization;
  • Food Safety Action Plan’s Import Licensing;
  • Compliance Promotion; and
  • Food Labelling Modernization

View our ten-part series detailing the impact of CFIA’s modernization initiative on importers:

Livingston will continue to analyze the CFIA’s Imported Food Sector Regulatory Proposal, Inspection Modernization and Food Labelling Modernization programs to understand its potential impact on our clients. We’ll be updating our website regularly in the coming months as we learn more about the upcoming changes and how they may affect your business.

CFIA coming into force plan

Registered Sector* Fresh Fruit and Vegetables Non-Registered*
CFIA Federal
January 15, 2019 January 15, 2019 July 15, 2020
Control Plan
January 15, 2019 January 15, 2020 July 15, 2020
– Minimal changes
for industry
– No substantive food safety provisions- FDA applies – Most change for industry- FDA applies

*Includes new export requirements for these products.


The Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) came into force on January 15, 2019. To help food businesses and industry associations prepare, the CFIA held a series of SFCR webinars.

If you were unable to join a live session, the pre-recorded webinar is  available online.

The 30-minute webinar provides an overview of key elements of the SFCR and My CFIA. The session also covers important timelines for coming into force and information on the ongoing CFIA activities to prepare for the implementation of the regulations.

Visit the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations webpage to learn more.