DAFTD streamlines processes for exports of dual-use goods

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DAFTD) recently introduced a new General Export Permit No.41, Dual-Use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations. The permit allows for a streamlined process for the export and transfer of certain controlled goods and technology to certain eligible destinations.

General Export Permit (GEP) 41 allows residents of Canada, subject to certain terms and conditions, to export or transfer certain items included in Group 1 and item number 5504 of the ECL / Guide to consignees that are located in any of the 32 eligible destinations identified in the GEP. Eligible destinations are like-minded countries that similar to Canada are members of multiple multilateral export control regimes and have implemented an effective system of export controls. There are certain conditions associated with GEP 41, and exporters must comply with those conditions in order to lawfully export/transfer under this GEP.

Full text of the regulation on the publication of the registration of GEP 41 under the Export and Import Permits Act is found in Canada Gazette Vol.149 No.16.

The Notice to Exporters for GEP No. 41 – Dual-use Goods and Technology to Certain Destinations can be found on the Export Controls Division website.

For further information, exporters may contact:

Export Controls Division Trade Controls Bureau
Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada
125 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0G2
Telephone: 343-203-4331
Facsimile: 613-996-9933
Email: [email protected]
Export and Import Controls