Introducing Livingston’s Global Perspectives

At Livingston, we’ve expanded our global footprint, and continue to grow our presence and solutions into every corner of the world. Our clients look to us for thought leadership, expertise and more importantly, to ‘simplify trade’. We offer solutions to simplify the complexities of trade to help you succeed in a global marketplace.

In this spirit, we present you Livingston’s Global Perspectives – a collaborative effort between Canadian and U.S. Regulatory Affairs, and Global Trade Management teams that present a collection of global regulatory and compliance issues you need to know about.

We hope you enjoy this quarterly content and welcome your feedback, which can be sent to [email protected].

Because trade is always evolving, you may also be interested in receiving more immediate updates. If you’re interested in daily regulatory and compliance news, send us an email with the subject line ‘subscribe’.

Trade’s complicated. At Livingston, we get it. This quarterly newsletter is just one of the many ways we try to simplify it.

Happy reading!

Candace Sider
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs Canada

Travis Hull
Director, U.S. Regulatory Affairs

Peter Bulters
Vice President, GTM Governance

Global Perspectives newsletter
