Environment Canada issues proposal for new ozone depleting substances regulations

Environment Canada is proposing to replace the Ozone Depleting Sustances Regulations (ODSR 1998) to the Ozone-Depleting Substances & Halocarbons Alternatives Regulations (ODSHAR) and to introduce new requirements to ensure Canada’s international commitments are met, and consolidate the five previous amendments.

The objective of the proposed Ozone-depleting Substances and Halocarbon Alternatives Regulations (proposed Regulations) is to introduce new requirements to achieve the following:

Continue to ensure Canada’s international obligations under the Montreal Protocol are met;

Introduce a permitting and reporting system for HFCs;

  • Support provincial and territorial controls by introducing a prohibition on the manufacture and import of HCFC and HFC refrigerants in non-refillable containers;
  • Allow the transfer of methyl bromide for exempt uses among users, thereby reducing stocks and the need for imports;
  • Make the necessary administrative changes by repealing and replacing the original ODSR 1998 and its five amendments, and allow for consequential amendments to the Designation Regulations. The proposed Regulations also provide clarification and address issues raised by the SJCSR.
  • Under the Montreal Protocol, Parties must phase out the production and consumption of a wide range of chemicals known to contribute to ozone depletion, including CFCs, HCFCs, halons and methyl bromide.
  • The proposed permitting and reporting system change would ensure that all importers of halocarbon refrigerants are subject to permit requirements during export, import, and manufacture of HFCs.

Full text on the proposal of the new regulations can be found in the Canada Gazette.

For more information, contact Environment Canada:

Lucie Desforges – Director, Chemical Production Division
Environment Canada
351 Saint-Joseph Boulevard, 11th Floor
Gatineau, QC K1A 0H3
Phone number:
Fax number: 819-938-4218
Email: [email protected]